Fire and re-hire new code of practice for employers

In March 2022 the government announced a new statutory code on the fire and re-hire practice, in the wake of the P&O Ferries scandal. They have now announced a clampdown on employers using this procedure.

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Fire and re-hire new code of practice for employers

In March 2022 the government announced a new statutory code on the fire and re-hire practice, in the wake of the P&O Ferries scandal. They have now announced a clampdown on employers using this procedure.

The fire and re-hire practice refers to employers that dismiss staff and re-hire them on less favourable terms.

Using this practice has been shunned by the government when used as a negotiating tactic. They have always made it clear that fire and re-hire are only to be used as a last resort.

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    What is the new statutory code of practice for fire and re-hire?

    Currently, it is in a 12-week consultation period. In this new practice, employers must consult with staff in a transparent and fair manner.

    An agreement should be sought after by the employer and the employee. If the negotiating between the two doesn’t end in mutual agreement the business must examine the case further. If there’s nothing the employer can do, then the fire re-hire practice would be acceptable.

    To conduct the consultation in a fair and reasonable manner, employers need to explore and discuss all reasonable steps with the employee first.

    The new statutory code of practice doesn’t currently have a set time limit for how long these consultations last, but a longer one would be more satisfactory.

    Employers who fail to comply with the statutory code of practice would see up to a 25% uplift in an employee’s compensation. For example, this is in cases of unfair dismissals.

    The government hopes that the code will prevent the threat of fire and re-hire as a negotiation tactic.

    Employers must realise that this tactic, just like in P&O’s case, creates the risk of legal claims, reputational damage, and negative effects on employee relationships.

    an employee puts her face in her hands after being fired

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    What was the P&O fire and re-hire scandal?

    Last year P&O Ferries sacked 800 workers on the spot without a discussion. This caused a backlash among workers, the public and the government.

    The government recognised that there needed to be greater clarity on the procedure and initiated a new Statutory Code of Practice.

    This included details of how businesses must hold meaningful consultations that are fair and transparent, with a proposal on changes to employment terms.

    Is fire and re-hire legal?

    The practice of firing and re-hiring is formally known as dismissal and re-engagement. It has been around for a long time and is legally accepted. This is only possible if negotiation is carried out on:

    • The change of terms and conditions.
    • The original employment contracts are carried applied until the employee’s termination.

    If this isn’t applied, then unfair dismissal claims might be raised by employees. Just like the P&O scandal.


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    Employer advice on fire and re-hire

    Fire and re-hire should only be used as a last resort for employers. If you don’t follow a fair and reasonable procedure an employee could claim unfair dismissal and take you to an employment tribunal.

    If you are an employer and need more information and advice we’re here to help. Speak to one of our HR and Employment Law advisors free at 0800 144 4050.

    The Employer’s Direct helpline is available 24/7. You can also fill in the form here to request a callback.

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    Fire and rehire is the practice of dismissing employees and re-hiring them on new less favourable contract terms.

    P&O Ferries made a loss of £105 million in 2020 due to the pandemic and said they needed to fire 786 seafarers to secure its future viability. They then re-hired but used cheaper agency workers.

    Fire and re-hire must be used as a last resort. Employers need to thoroughly consult and consider alternatives before turning to this practice. Fire and re-hire can support businesses when they need to change terms and conditions, but the reasoning must be serious and genuine.



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